Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound has been launched as a new suite of audio technologies for both smartphones and audio products such as wireless headphones and earphones. It was initially announced at the Qualcomm summit in December 2020. The product suite enables improved interoperability between Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset-enabled smartphones as well as wireless headphones and earphones, promising better connectivity, sound quality, and additional features such as active noise cancellation (ANC) and voice communication software. It requires both source device and output to support the technology.

Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound is expected to roll out for consumer products in the coming weeks, and will be supported on Snapdragon 888-powered smartphones set to launch this year. The product suite is marketed towards original equipment manufacturers, including smartphone and audio product makers. It is offered as a single solution for manufacturers covering the chipset, connectivity, ANC technology, and Bluetooth codec support, among other technologies.